What is OpenCutList ?
OpenCutList extension generates cut lists, estimates, cutting diagrams, labels, exploded views, SVG, DXF for woodworking or similar projects.
By inspecting the components and material properties of a scene, OpenCutList automatically generates list of parts, a summary report, cutting diagrams, and labels based on material properties of the parts. Supported material types include Solid Wood, Sheet Goods, Dimensional Lumber, Veneers, Edge Bandings and Accessories.
This extension provides a solution to most of the needs of a passionate amateur, an independent craftsman, or a medium-sized carpentry business.
Crowdfunded ?
The OpenCutList project is entirely based on a collective effort thanks to the voluntary work of part of the team and the community (translators, documentation writers, support assistants) and to a remuneration of the developers financed by its users thanks to the funds collected at each major release.
Its main philosophy is utility, transparency and common good.
- OpenCutList is Open Source, available under GNU GPLv3 license on its GitHub repository.
- Its budget is publicly visible on Open Collective platform.
This operating model has the major advantage of allowing the team to remain in a work of passion and to free itself from the constraints of the customer/supplier relationship. In this context, the team focuses its energy on features and not on marketing.
OpenCutList is not free. Like all Open Source software, it is a common good that owes its existence only to the generosity of donors. Currently 1709 donors who have provided the project with $50k in 4 years. A drop in the ocean compared to the 40k active users and over 340k downloads on the Extension Warehouse. But it is the small rivers that make the big rivers
If you are already a donor or if this post has inspired you to become one. Thank you very much on behalf of the entire community.
Without you, no more features and no support would be possible.