SketchUp 2025 macOS crash

I’m seeing crashes on opening, closing, and saving. This is recent, and I don’t know what if anything has changed to cause it.

I’ve tested it:

  • Launch SketchUp, attempt to open a file from the Welcome screen > Open > My Device (not a new file, an existing one on my computer.) Crash.
  • Disabled all of the extensions, same thing happened.
  • Launch SketchUp, attempt to open a file from the File Menu > Open. Crash.
  • Launch SketchUp, attempt to open a file by keyboard command. Crash.

At this point I decided to do a complete uninstall and reinstall by following the steps in SketchUp Support. Library files, plist, apps all deleted, and new copy of SketchUp downloaded and installed. It continues to crash when using the file operations with in SketchUp.

Here’s the conundrum. I can double click a SKP file in my Finder and it will open. I can open from File > Open recent or the Recent thumbnails on the Welcome screen. I can model in the file, the regular operations.

I attempt to save a file and… crash.

I started a new model from a stock SKP template, decided not to go further and closed the file (without saving.) Crash.

Oh, and dialog boxes don’t show up—like Open or Save As.

I’ve reported the different types of crashes with BugSplats.

Anyone have a good idea, other than go back to 2024? I’m on a M4 Mac using Sequoia, 2024’s not really a good option.

Very similar. Can’t seem to quit successfully, always a crash as quitting even if there is no document open.

It does sound like there is a problem with the file dialog. Do you use any system extensions, such as Default Folder?

Hi Colin, I do have Default Folder X installed, among other things like the Dropbox, Box, G-drive, etc. extensions. I haven’t tried starting in safe mode and seeing if there’s still a problem.

It continues to happen with extensions disabled and when booting in safe mode.