Sketch 2020 crash

Sketch 2020 crashes everytime I close a file. I use a Macbook pro 2018. Mac OS Big Sure, version 11.6.
I usually work with 2 to 3 SKP files at a time. If I close a file, the application crashes and I have to reopen once again a file at a time. Is this common to some of community members? Is there any conflict with the extensions I am using?
Very grateful for your support and help.

I would suspect that an extension is causing the crash, as you mentioned. Try disabling all of them, then exiting and restarting SketchUp. Then enable the extensions (or at least the “big” ones) one at a time, exit SketchUp and restart and exit again, to see if crashes happen as extensions are incrementally re-enabled.

When it crashes, do you get a BugSplat, and have you been submitting the reports to SketchUp? You should also get a reference number when you submit, that you can copy here to help the developers find your crash reports.

Edit: they can usually tell whether the crash was in an Extension or from some other cause, but they can’t tell which Extension was at fault.

Thank you TDahl for your reply. I will try your suggestion after I will complete my work. For now I will have to settle with a tempremental SKP. I have installed lots of useful extensions and it will take a little while to find the dodgy one(s).

A very efficient strategy is to disable half of the extensions and see what happens. If that fixes the issue, enable half of the disabled ones and try again. Repeat and you will soon zero in on the offender. If it doesn’t fix the issue, start the process again with the other half.

no bugsplat. I can obtain a number for the crash if required.

yes that that is a smart way of doing it. I will definitely try it. Thank you.

bonjour , Sketchup 2021 ne s’ouvre plus depuis quelques jours sur mon PC

j’ai le message suivant :slight_smile:

Some people are seeing that problem while using a docking station. Can you try SketchUp while running only on one screen?

oui en effet c’est ça , il s’ouvre bien sur le PC portable seul mais j’ai le message d’erreur dès que le connecte mon dock avec les 2 écrans extérieurs.

ça ne le faisait pas avant ( -1 mois)

avez vous une solution?
meric d’avance

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