Sketchup 2024 trial Crashes on my mac

Hi, I have a Sketchup Pro trial with a MacBook Pro, Apple M2 Pro, 16 GB, Mac Os Sonoma Version 14.4.1 and it crashes all the time doing the simplest tasks. Is there an incompatibility between Sketchup version 2024 and this model of computer? Does it happen to anyone else?
Thank you for your response to know if buying the license will stop this happening to me.

@AlejandroGA, I was digging into display issues and a sigabort on launch. What are the odds that you’re having a similar issue here? Graphics engine issue in V24

Thanks for the reply @Dan75. I’m no expert in the field, but I don’t get the message when I start up that the classic graphic engine comes by default. I’m a beginner and I’m doing some first traces in sketchup from my laptop, which I think is not complex enough to crash my computer. I think it is an incompatibility between the computer and SU 2024, I wonder if anyone else has this kind of problem? Does anyone know how to contact someone at Skechup directly? Thank you all for your help!

Hi @AlejandroGA . No worries and I understand. I was curious if you followed the thread and tried to use the classic graphics if that would also help you. It would be more weight to show the need for a bug fix on the new graphics engine.

Version 24 uses the ‘new’ graphics engine by default and I have seen a crash too. The thread that I jumped into was started by somebody who also found a crash specific to version 24. I happened to verify that the crashes would stop if going back to the same graphics engine used in version 23, which is called the classic graphics engine now. I further happened to discover that the window size has something to do with it.

I know that not every system is the same, but I’m also using An M2 Mac on Sonoma 14.4.1. The odds are fairly good that if you change to the classic engine, the crash might stop.

Click the ‘Sketchup’ menu and select settings.
Then click ‘Graphics’ on the window that appears.
Change the radio button from new to classic graphics engine.
Close the windows, then quit sketchup and re-open it to be sure the settings persisted (see image).

@Dan75 you have been very kind to take the time to explain it this way. It is clearer to me. I will try what you tell me and let me be in touch once I have worked it out that way. Best regards!

I hope it works for you and that you’ll be on your way to designing again. :smiley: