SketchUp 2024 Crashing on Mac 15.3


I have been working on a project it has started crashing whenever I try and move an object. I updated my Mac OS and have retried but it keeps freezing.

Any ideas on what I can do?

Sketchup Pro
Apple M3 Chip
Mac OS 15.3 (24D60)

Share the .skp file with us so we can see what you are working with.

Is SketchUp really crashing or is it just stalling? If it’s crashing, have you been sending in the Bug Splat reports with something that identifies they came from you?

I am new to sketchup and learning it as part of a design course so I am not too sure how to send Bug Splat reports but will look into it.

I will attach the file here. Thank you for helping!!
Importing and Tracing a DWG File .skp (1.3 MB)

I don’t see anything that might typically cause SketchUp to crach or stall. I did purge a component and a bunch of unused materials from the model. (Probably the scale figure) See if this file behaves better for you.
Importing and Tracing a DWG File purged .skp (751.2 KB)

You didn’t say if SketchUp is actually crashing or is it just showing a “Not Responding” message.

Just looked into Bug Splat and I haven’t been seeing that come up. I think my SketchUp is just stalling as I am not getting any error messages, however, the application freezes and I can’t do anything so I have to quit and reopen.

Thank you for sending the file, I will try that now

I have no problems with macOS 15.2 on an M4 MacBook Pro. I do have 15.3 as an update option, I will try that next…

The file you sent is working! Thank you so much for your help Dave, I really appreciate it!

Can I ask what you think went wrong and what you did to fix it, so I can attempt to sort it myself if the problem happens again?

right after crashing, or the next time you launch sketchup there will be a window with a dead bug on it. this is the “report a buggsplat” window :slight_smile:

it’s quite useful because a non reported bug is a non existant bug :slight_smile:
HOWEVER, if you manually force sketchup to quit because it’s stuck and non responding, you won’t get a bugsplat, because it technically didn’t crash.
stalling is way more annoying because it makes it harder to find what’s wrong. at least a clean crash can be reported :slight_smile:

hey, wasn’t 14.3 the problematic version last year ? could it be a pattern I see emerging ? :weary: :joy:
(gosh I really hope not)

Okay, so if it stalls, just leave it until it crashes? Unfortunately its crashed again so I am unsure whether I am doing something wrong

When I initially had this problem, I saw a post on one of these forums saying that updating their Mac helped so I updated to 16.3 and am still having the problem.

I couldn’t see anything in your file that would normally be problematic. I suspect it’s an issue with your hardware and operating system. SketchUp 2024 doesn’t officially support that version of Mac OS.

Do you have the latest version of SketchUp 2024 installed? Did you download it from the SketchUp website.

I am using Version 24.0.483, looking at updates now to check.

The problem started earlier today before I updated my Mac OS version and updating my hasn’t changed the issue either.

I had no problems with macOS 15.3, but then I was using the later 2024. You might as well get the newer version, it did fix some problems.

Updating it as we speak. Will get it up and running and see what happens. Thank you

And remember two things:

  1. SketchUp 2024 does not officially support macOS 15
  2. This late in the cycle you are not likely to see any changes to 2024. Following the pattern of past years, one can assume that SketchUp 2025 is nearing release and will officially support macOS 15.

That said, it is still important to report issues and crashes because they may reveal things that have not yet been addressed in 2025 betas.

Thank you everyone. Updating my SketchUp to the newest version and it’s been working for the last 10 mins. I will make sure to bare this all in mind when using SketchUp in the future.


I am experiencing the same issue. I run the newest Sketchup Version 24.0.598 on the newest Mac OS 15.3. Today sketchup started crashing after a couple of seconds. I tried it with a new emoty file as well as some heavier older files. But same result.
Since I am on the newsest version in Sketchup and Mac OS, I dont know what else to do…
Does anybody have a solution?

I’ll reply to your other post, and we’ll leave this one as solved.
