SketchUp 2023 update

You can… flip a coin :smile:

It’s long since… 10 years

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yes. model info from window - retains last used, icon always diverts to rendering

That’s also how I got it working. I thought they had generalized their installer to detect all installed versions of SketchUp but I guess not. Unfortunately, 3DC has a long-standing reputation for glacial pace of development on Mac. They took 2 years after release of Monterey to get a driver working for it! So I’m not holding my breath.


Thank you Aaron!!

I downloaded the las version for Mac, but its the 2022. Isn’t the 2023 Mac version released yet?

This would be massively beneficial in getting consultants workable backgrounds. Until the rest of the world moves to an IFC standard at least…

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I checked, and the Mac version on the downloads page is 2023:

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Help me out with this question I’m not finding info on: What are the minimum system requirements for 2023?

That’s actually brilliant. Can we have that? Please?!

It looks like the support page has been updated for 2023. Hardware specs don’t seem to have been changed:


It is pretty obvious SU isn’t blasting the new version because they aren’t proud of it. It’s like your kid not showing their report card because they got bad grades. Very underwhelming update. And HOW does layout not have a spellcheck option STILL. For real… I have been reading threads requesting spellcheck for years now and still they solve other stupid issues no one asked for. The mirror tool is absolutely useless, you can copy and scale -1 and bam you have a mirrored object. Give me spellcheck! As the office lead and responsible for redlining our plans I spend hours a day reading meticulously through plans looking for spelling errors. aoiunargoiahg - that shows red in this text box… copy that coding into layout and blow everyone away with your insane features.


scale -1 is not the new mirror.

I might be mis-remembering but I’m sure that in the past when people have asked for a dedicated flip tool, users who are sometimes regarded as SketchUp apologists have said exactly what you’ve said :wink:

Now we have a dedicated flip tool…


there is still a new pretty silhouette this year

you either die a hero, or live long enough to become the vilain.

you know. :bat: :bat:

Yeah I remember people asking for a Mirror tool as a feature request, not all that long ago actually…

I’ve always pay close attention to Feature Requests (and contributed many of my own thoughts) and used to maintain a long Excel file of all the FRs ( If i can find it i’ll post it here).

There are a large number of changes in 2023 that are related to feature requests.
I say “related” because the 2023 changes don’t always capture the full intent of a feature.

A number of the improvements in 2023 are performance related, which is a very common “general” request.


  • Revit import
  • Improved performance for back edges, dashed lines, and hidden geometry.
  • Placing and resizing an imported image performance greatly improved.
    *Scale tool "handles’ to remain when orbiting (but the request also asked them to be visible through other geometry)
  • Tag Visibility Improvements (sort-of; tag and style management improvements are common requests)


  • DWG References ((sort of; better management of dwgs and of other references has been requested often)
    *Per Page Sequence Autotext
  • Added the ability to reset line style overrides, visibility overrides, or both on tags.
  • LayOut now allows the control of text transparencies on Dimension text.
  • Improved the ability to utilize the label in a template or scrapbook without having to maintain separate labels to pull data from vertices, edges, and faces.
  • Improved the performance of panning and zooming pages that have heavy vector rendered viewports.
  • (Win) Improved some UI behaviors in LayOut trays when using a higher Windows Display Settings scale.
  • (Win) Corrected ‘Cancel’ behavior when changing the vector mode on a SketchUp model viewport in LayOut.

I haven’t used 2023 so not sure if the Improvements/fixes are actually working as I imagine they should, particularly the performance improvements (are we talking 5% or 500% faster?).

it is very difficult to measure the performance gains announced (and it was also the case in the past), on the other hand, the performance problems in Layout are more serious and are related to malfunctions.

I have been seeing almost double the framerate in many situations across the various betas and the final release.

Wow that’s great.What;s your hardware?

If you still have 2022 and 2023 installed then do you mind doing a quick test ?

Create a file of stuff (can a project or random 3d warehouse stuff) that is large and complex - lots of geometry, groups, tags, materials, etc. Something like 300k+ faces.

Then place it into the Test Time Display model and run the test.

If you can compare that across 2 versions, it would be very informative.

If you send it to Layout and compare panning speed that wpould be cool too (dont have to tme it, just a “it feels much faster!” comment would be handy.