SketchUp 2023 update

(Though I must say, that the DWG Import/Referencing feature in Layout will be a VERY big deal for us… so that’s a very nice addition.)

If you read the changelog from the iPad Version from initial release to now and if you read the changelog from the Pro version (where the F_C__NG money comes from) one understands where the developers are and one caaaan feel disappointed. Take my money and build a web-app that I don’t need. And an iPad app that I don’t need. It’s important to have visions. But 2024 will be the year. Surely they will finish that iPad app at one point or the other and get back to business. Surely. Surely. :cold_sweat:)


The most agonizing parts of the user experience, Sketchup 2D dwg export and Layout speed, is not addressed at all.

(the part of this post about zoom direction is deleted.)


The release notes are on this this page.

How did you expect that to be addressed?

Couldn’t agree more. I’m starting to think this is a mature product and it may be time to look at other options.


It is a mature product and IMHO worth every penny of its subscription price with or without updates.


Anyone been able to get Space Mouse working after the update?

You have to reinstall the Space Mouse driver after installing SketchUp 2023.


I am happy they are not giving in to the “blotted software” model. I like keeping SU a platform where you can develop a specialized workflow to your liking. The added support for extensions appears to be very promising along that line.

I have not tried 2023, but I would like optimizations in some areas, such as reloading embedded models. I would also like more frequent updates as they are available. I can’t see a reason to wait a year. Accumulate improvements periodically rather than roll out single features, yes. But a year is too long.

With my wish list in hand, I have looked around and have not found a single program close in the market for how I work in my architectural practice. If I were a production architect doing builder homes in mass or other types of such work, there would be other options.

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Tried that, didn’t work. Need to see if 3DConnexion has an updated driver for Mac.

The latest driver is 10.7.4

  • Tags to dwg Layers
  • Components to dwg Blocks
  • Geometry flattened per group/component, giving:
  • No more broken line segments
  • Preservation of scene/model origo

so flattering already happens during 2D export. If it happened on a per group /component sequence of exporting one easily could achieve all of this and end this misery.


  • Flatten one component, using the existing export logarithm, put it in a block on a dwg layer corresponding to the sketchup tag.
  • Flatten the next, and so on.
  • Use the origo for all the subsequent identical operations

That’s it.


The omission of the Bug Fixes and Improvements section has been fixed. The article is about 60% longer now.


Yeah, that’s the version I had, and the version I reinstalled.

another oddity - the model info window keeps reverting to the “rendering” tab as opposed to opening on the last used tab:

@glennmstanton Are you launching Model Info from the Window menu or from a toolbar icon?

I can confirm that if you launch Model Info from the toolbar icon it starts with Rendering and not the last used.

From the Window menu it works as Glenn expects.

Gave SketchUp 2023 a short spin:

  • Remove items from the large toolset, they will be back the next time you start SketchUp. You can’t customize this anymore? → fixed on 230316
  • If the hierarchy in the Outliner is collapsed and you’re drilling down (double clicking) nested objects in the 3d viewport, the outliner doesn’t follow. Up til now, it would open the group/component names you’re double clicking in the viewport. In 2023, it just shows the current hierarchy before you started double clicking → not fixed on 230316
  • if your object has multiple materials and you select one face after another (with a different material) the material wont update in the entity info until you mouseover the entity info → not fixed in 230316
  • You cant change your template location in Files (preferences). Why?! I keep them on a network drive thats backupped → not possibile on 230316
  • I like the flip tool

I have the same problem (large toolset not customizable). see here
SketchUp 2023 is available today! - SketchUp - SketchUp Community

The current Mac installer is from August, so it does not install the extension files into the 2023 Plugins folder… I foud it easiest to duplicate the “SketchUp 2022” folder found in Library/Application Support, then rename it to “SketchUp 2023”.

Hopefully the installer will be updated soon, but for now, this works perfectly.