SketchUp 2023 : I have only Pro license, why I can choose to install SKP Studio Feature?


Glad to see new version today :slight_smile:
I just finish my update to 2023.
Just wonder why during installation why I can choose SketchUp Studio features install even I only have standard Pro version.

I don’t use non of them recently, so I did not check to install them.
Just wonder they it show in installation windows ? or SKP want us to use as trail ?


The installer doesn’t yet know what your entitlements are. It would be possible to have two sets of installers, one for Pro subscriptions and one for Studio subscriptions, but that could lead to extra Support issues, with Studio subscribers puzzled why they are missing features, because they took the wrong installer.

Note too that a new user can do the 30 day trial, and when you do that, you can try the Studio features. There isn’t a Pro-only 30 day trial.

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Hi Colin,

Thank you for your clarify. I am glad I install my update correctly.

I remember (If I am not wrong) during my installation, Scan essentials and Revit Importer are also checked by defult but I unchecked them. Maybe this can cause confusion for user who don’t have Studio license.

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