Sketchup 2017 make for non-commercial use

I think the Layers fee for nit picking the EULA would be more than the license fee.
Probably makes more sense to purchase the license, than to pay for a Lawyer to ultimately tell you you need a license.


Oh, I’m a car thief now. :laughing: :wink:

To be clear, I’m not going to read the EULA. I’m just talking about a “commercial use” restriction. In my dictionary, commerce means “the buying and selling of commodities and services”. So, until you’ve got the cash in your hot little hands, there hasn’t been any commercial use.

I am not a lawyer either, but that is wrong. First, if you get paid using something, it is commercial use regardless if the company sells it or not or if you are working, for instance, in public administration. And, making something to sell it later is commercial. Taking part in an architectural open competition is commercial.


You sure like to twist words.

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In jest. :grinning:

I agree it would be wrong in your first example. The other two don’t involve money changing hands, though. In extremis, if the village idiot uses Make to design the new Venus Rover and NASA doesn’t award him a contract, is that commercial use? In my opinion, commercial intent doesn’t constitute commercial use. The filthy lucre has to put in an appearance.

I did start out by saying “I know what you are saying”. Emotionally, I feel the same way about people taking liberties with free stuff that I’m paying for. I knew I’d be pushing water up hill. Can I stop flogging this dead horse now?

Yes it is. Using your time and money to prepare something for others potentially to pay for is called an investment. Your “village idiot” example applies to me quite well. I do take part in architectural competitions whenever I find the time, I am extremely unlikely to get anything out of it except the fun, but, yes, ultimately it is a commercial activity.

I agree that this talk is futile. I understand Trimble has put what it means by “commercial” in the EULA. We are quite free to think whatever we want about its meaning without it binding Trimble in any way. Amateur lawyers tend to get stuck to “hermeneutics” that have no meaning at all for the professionals. They have a ton of precedent to go to where “commercial” is defined.


Also, Trimble’s legal department isn’t interested in other’s dictionaries or interpretations of what they believe is a ‘commercial’ activity or not.
Trimble specify the terms, by proceeding the launch of the program (everytime you start make), you are accepting it.
You actually sign a contract (you also accept the fact that it records use data)
Not reading legal contracts have put me on some nasty breakpoint in the past, so I tend to read them, you never know…


Get-out-of-jail card gratefully accepted. :zipper_mouth_face:

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Not sure why we should spill so many words on something that should be crystal clear. If all of you don’t know, Trimble is the one to blame.

Come on Trimble, step up your game and make this crystal clear.

I have always interpreted this as don’t show your sketchup work outside of the walls of your business or to any client that is inside them.

Would a lawyer know?

2.2. Special License Terms
2.2.1. SketchUp Make
SketchUp Make Software is licensed only for non-commercial use for your internal business purposes. Non-commercial use means that you may not sell, rent, or lease the output of the Software. Any other use requires the purchase of a SketchUp Pro license. For example, if you are a for-profit organization of any kind, or an employee of a for-profit organization using the Software in that capacity, you are engaged in commercial activity; therefore, in order to use the Software, you must purchase a SketchUp Pro license. Government agencies are considered to be commercial users and must purchase a SketchUp Pro license.

The above is quite clear to me.

Not sure that I follow robinmorritt’s logic…

So I mess about with Make and no one has given me any cash.

Someone gives me cash for some of my messing about – then what :thinking:

Oooo, have I just had some commercial use out of Make :thinking::thinking:

What do I do now…?

Yes. The meanings of “commercial” and “non-commercial” are crystal clear to a lawyer, and there is nothing ambiguous in the text @PaulMcAlenan quoted for me either.

When faced with “legalese” we who are not lawyers easily switch into some kind of nit-picking mode with over-emphasis on technicalities which lawyers seldom do.


Feel a bit naughty and Go Pro. :joy:

You add a Pro license subscription on top of whatever they want to pay you–or they can’t have it.

I don’t find " for non-commercial use for your internal business purposes" very clear, but the following statements seem pretty explanatory. I guess because “business” to me is the same as commercial.