SketchUp 2017 Labeling and dimension issue

Hi there,

I’m new to the forum and new to sketchUp or any drawing program for that matter. I’ve finished my first drawing, which I’m quite happy about, but I have one annoying problem that is driving me mad. It keeps showing double dimensions and labels

If anyone has come across this issue, please let me know. I’ve searched and reinstalled the program, still cant fix it.

Thanks in advance


That sounds like a graphics card issue. Make sure your drivers are up to date.

When you installed (and reinstalled) SketchUp, did you use Run as administrator?

Hi Dave,

I’m just updating my entire computer drivers as we speak, and yeah I installed as an administrator,

Hopefully the graphics card driver fixes the issue,

Thanks for the reply

Sadly, updating all my drivers, did not fix it, I’ve uploaded an image of the problem

Thanks in advance

Does that mean you logged into Windows with administrator privileges or did you use right click on the installer and use Run as administrator. They are two very different things and it is Run as administrator which you must do.

Could you upload the SKP file?

I right Clicked run as administrator. Yeah I can post up.the SketchUp file. Just have to work out how lol

If it is 3MB or smaller, you can upload it by clicking this icon in the reply window

If it is bigger, you can upload it to any file sharing service (including the 3D Warehouse) and post a link to it here (be sure to make the shared file publicly readable).

Absorber.skp (164.7 KB)

Just uploaded :slight_smile: Thanks

Wow, I just fixed it, turns out you were right Dave, for some reason, my resolution was set to 16bit instead of 32bit. Once changed, all working!!!

Thanks in advance

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