SketchUp 2014 keeps crashing

2014 all of a sudden keeps crashing. I updated my graphics card and I have deleted all of my extensions and it still crashes. I am only to open it as the system administrator.

Do you get Bug Splats when it crashes? What is going on when it does crash?

Look for a program called which may have been installed with the graphics drivers at some point. Remove it if it is there. It has been known to cause problems with SketchUp. It might be that you’d need to roll back the driver to an earlier version, too.

No, I don’t have And, My driver is the same one that I’ve been using for three years. SketchUp 2015 opens fine but, I prefer to use 2014.

Andy Nagurney, AIA

ANPH, Inc. Architects

5499 Glen Lakes Dr., Suite 110

Dallas, Texas 75231


If it used to work and suddenly stopped, clearly something changed. Since SU 2014 hasn’t had any updates for a couple of years, it had to be something else on your computer. Your challenge is to track down what it was. Did you revise your SU template recently? Any other system updates installed recently? You say you can open it as administrator. That suggests there is a permission problem somewhere. Did you install or change anything that could affect permissions?

Check the Windows Event Viewer for application crashes with SketchUp.

Still running a 32-bit SketchUp on Win 7 64-bit ?

(Later versions have better OpenGL support.)