The past couple days my SU keeps crashing and showing the bug splat, it happens completely randomly making it difficult to pin point whats causing it.
I have sent error reports but I use this for drawings in my company and I’ve never used other programs (even though i have AutoCAD on my computer) so any help would be much appreciated.
Have you installed any new extensions lately? Have you checked to see if there’s an update available for your graphics card? Did anything else change on your computer like updating to Windows 10? Did you install a driver update recently? The GeForce 210 is an old card.
Running 32-bit SketchUp instead of 64-bit has helped some people. Maybe it’ll help in your case.
Ah! AMD Radeon cards are well-known for their sub-par OpenGL support. You might try turning off Hardware Acceleration in Window>Preferences>OpenGL. Check to see if there’s an update for the GPU drivers, too. Might help.
I can’t say if Win10 automatically installs GPU driver “updates” but I can say from bad experience, Win8.1 does.
One so called GPU driver “update” from Microsoft Update did a fine job of trashing my Qudro FX GPU’s settings.
Of course, it’s not the first brick MS has sent down the Update pipe.
I think @DanRathbun may have pointed to the root of the problem.
It’s good practice to keep everything up to date.
But it’s also wise to keep a close eye on what MS sends down the Update pipeline.
In certain instances it’s not all good.
To gain control of Updates I set the Update policies like so…
But haven’t driver updates have come as “recommended”, in past versions ?
Unchecking this in WU was how I avoided repeating disastrous display driver updates, after WU gave us a bad driver under one of our XP systems. After that I never again trusted WU to update any device drivers. I instead go to the OEM of the machine, or the specific device to get new drivers.
I found Leon’s crash stack - it’s very weird with not much but one piece of info, which I PM’d to Leon. If anyone else from SketchUp team looks at this, it’s crash 187864.
I couldn’t say for sure.
In XP, I don’t recall WU including product specific GPU drivers like WU does in Win 8.1
Then again, it was some time ago and I don’t recall what my Update Policy settings were.
I also found Dell’s “recommended” GPU driver updates for my Dell Precision T3400 were typically a version behind the current version from nVidia.
Yep, it’s best to go to the source !
Long ago I came across this nVidia FAQ answer. The Q and first sentence of the A reads…
Q: How often should I update my graphics card display drivers? A: The general rule of thumb for graphic card display drivers is “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”.