Skalp isn’t dead

Skalp version 4.
I buy the Skalp on yesterday and error
PC use windows 10 and Sketchup pro 2019.3
For you information

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Matt’s method for isolating the section cut should make a big difference for Skalp users so you can vector render the beautiful section graphics Skalp creates!


How to activate Skalp,I buy 2 days ago , another plugin very easy
Some body can help me

In SketchUp 2020, you can turn off tags in LayOut. This way you can turn off all tags except the ‘Untagged’ and Skalp tags which results in showing only the section. And you can make a copy of the same view with the tags all turned on and set this view to vector.



Awesome Guy!

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Together with the new SketchUp 2020 we released the new Skalp 2020 Beta version for SketchUp 2020.

This new version has some very nice new features:

  • Support SketchUp 2020.
  • Toolbar icon for export to DXF/DWG.
  • Toolbar icon for export to LayOut.
  • Graphical material selector.
  • Paint sections in the model with the new Skalp Paint Tool.
  • You can now use a Skalp material from a Library without importing the complete library.
  • You can now Export Skalp materials from the new Paint Tool directly to a library.
  • SketchUp linestyles are now supported in the forward lines of the Skalp DWG/DXF export.

Also we updated our naming to the new SketchUp naming:

  • ‘By Layer’ is renamed to ‘By Tag’
  • Skalp ‘Tag’ is renamed to ‘Label’.

The new SketchUp feature to hide objects in scenes gave us the opportunity to reduce the use of Skalp tags (layers). We don’t create anymore a new tag (layer) for every scene or sectionplane.

We also changed the default Skalp rule setting to ‘By Tag’ followed by ‘By Object’ for easier use with the new Skalp Paint Tool.

The release is a BETA version! If you find any error, bug or bugsplat please contact us at

You can download this Skalp version from our download page

If your Skalp maintenance isn’t expired you can use this Skalp 2020 version without any cost by using your Skalp activation code. Installing Skalp on multiple SketchUp versions on the same computer count only as one activation! If your maintenance contract has expired, you can still use your license key to activate Skalp. However, you will then be redirected to renew your maintenance contract.

The Skalp Team


We just released an minor Skalp 2020 update…

Release notes:

  • New: Skalp Section group is now locked for the user.
  • New: When turning on the Rear View Projection option you can choose not to calculate at that moment.
  • Fix: Rearview is recovered again from saved model when opening the model.
  • Fix: Problem not showing rearview when no objects are sectioned.
  • Fix: Skalp Section group is forced to Untagged to avoid the user to change the tag
  • Fix: problem with rear view showing lines from inside sectioned objects
  • Fix: error when using solid material with transparantie
  • Fix: problem when user turn off Skalp linestyle tag
  • Fix: problem with empty license file
  • Fix: DWG export wrong active model
  • Fix: Skalp Section Group always placed on the correct tag
  • Fix: invalid temporary dxf file when exporting scenes not parallel with the camera
  • Fix: Errors when closing Skalp when Skalp materialdialog is shown.
  • Fix: Skalp style settings were reset to the default settings on the not active model when multiple models openend automatically on startup (mac only)
  • Fix: Sectionplane tags are turned off automatically instead of hiding the sectionplane (new Skalp 2020 behaviour)
  • Fix: Crash when opening SketchUp model by double click when Skalp is already active.
  • Fix: Crash when closing SketchUp when Skalp is still active.
  • Fix: Keep settings stored in the registry after update.
  • Fix: No more need to reactivate after update.

The Skalp Team


Do you have the latest manual or video tutorials for skalp 2021?

Why are my support questions not being answered? Skalp crashes my computer every time I use it

Yeah I am concerned by replies as well. Great tool but…

Hello, I was just wondering if Skalp is ever going to be updated for Sketchup 2022 and OSX M1 Chip. I loved using it but I don’t want to base my future workflow around it if it is no longer being developed. I hope that it is but if not would you as developers please let us know.

many thanks

Dan B

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Seconded. having to use 2 machines is a nightmare.

ping @Guy

Thanks Dan, I have just sent him a message

all the best

Dan B

good luck with that.

We just released a build with support for M1

Kind regards,



Hi @Guy I guess it still doesn’t work correctly with Monterey.

And why do you think is doesn’t work correctly with Monterey? I use it every day with Monterey.

man, it hasn’t worked for me straight out the box.

I just can’t select individual elements. It selects the entire ‘plane’ of the section

screen recording