Sharing on 3D warehouse

Bonjour i’ d like to share my models on 3D warehouse choosing an adresses email, like in google drive.

Actually, i see only two solutions : public or private.


What version of SketchUp are you using? Your profile says 2016. Is that correct?

And sign in on the top right
Once signed in, you can go to ‘my content’ (same spot)

Collections are public by default
Folders are private

There is no option for selective access. Public for everybody to see or private for only you to access, these are the only two options in the warehouse. You can share the model file on a google drive and encurage collaborators to get the viewer or open the file in the web version Sketchup Free.

You could also look into Trimble connect which has more options for team sharing I believe.

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Think of 3D Warheouse as the place for sharing (or getting) reusable objects.

Think of Trimble Connect as the place for professional collaboration, for showing or editing files only with people involved in a project.

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2019, i’ve to change my profile