Sketchup New User under existing one with 3D Warehouse

Hi All,

I have no clue if this has already been answered so sorry If I’m repeating what other people have said!

When you create a 3D Warehouse it is either Public or Private, no in between you can’t personally select who to share it with, I get that-

if you have a License and add someone i.e. you’re the owner and add another user with their email and they purchase a license under you, do they then have access to your Warehouse?

I’m asking because we plan to purchase more licenses and currently I have 300+ items in a Warehouse that I want to share with them personally, but not other people as of yet.

Or is the best case to just send them the 300 files that they themselves can then enter? I’m just trying to save the time that would take :slight_smile:

Thanks for the responses!

I think the right way to do this would be to upload your files to your Timble Connect storage. Then you can add the other users as project members. You have unlimited storage with your subscription. You might as well use it.

If people modify these files and publish them back to Trimble Connect there will be a history showing who and when and the older versions will still be available if they are needed.


Cheers for the reply Dave! Will give this a go in the upcoming days.

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Good luck with it.

FIW, you can get Trimble Connect Sync which makes it easy to keep files in your Trimble Connect storage synched with the copies you keep locally and you can do bulk uploads of the files to Trimble Connect.

If it’s appropriate you can create folders for organizing the files to make them easier to find. You can set up To Do lists for the team if that’s the kind of thing you need. Also, if you need to let clients see your SketchUp projects, you can send them a link so they can look at it in the online viewer. No need to send the .skp file to them and have them install a viewer. The files would also be available for AR/VR viewing.

Hey Jake23! Thanks for sharing your goals here.
If you’re interested we should have a discussion with @Jake_from_SketchUp and @kellyp to get a better understanding of your job to be done… See how we might be able to help.

Hi Guz,

I wouldn’t mind having a discussion at all! Just message me contact info and I can be in touch. Would be a great help!
