Selection tool very slow. Takes 10 seconds to select pieces o block from the model...Tried everything

Hello, I tried every version of sketchup. Unintaled older versions. It is slowing me down. Please help. I just click on any objet to extrude, but takes about 10 seconds to make the “blue” selection, and even ten more if I wat to edit. Need help inmediately. I have red all the reviews in previos forums but could not find the clue. Thanks.

Lots of threads on this topic already. They have the solutions. Look again. There are several possible solutions.

Would you mind posting some links here to actual solutions? I’ve wasted hours Today trying to find a working solution but to no avail, none of them work. All seem to blame some WIndows Update or Intel HD Graphics drivers, but I feel that this should be fixed within SketchUp and if you right-click (with the Selection tool active) on an object or outside of it, you can see that it selects/deselects that surface/edge immediately, no delays … you can also use the menu to select connected objects… just can’t add other objects to a selection (select multiple) because right-click doesn’t respect CTRL…) This means that selection itself works within SketchUp, display as well, the problem is with the way they handle left mouse click - which I just reported to them here: Selection tool very slow to select - #26 by Pitus - and I’m hoping they’ll fix that ASAP.

I thought you’d already decided to quit using SketchUp. That’s what you wrote in the other thread. You’ve already convinced yourself that this is a problem with SketchUp and not a problem caused by Windows updates and Intel graphics drivers which has been proven time and again in threads such as the other one you’ve already posted in. How about taking the time to read that thread and use the solutions presented there?

You can switch to SketchUp 2018 and run the patch.

Hello! Problem solved. Issues with the Intel 3d HD drivers. Uninstall the
latest version. Then go to the official intel site and download previus
versions of the Intel drivers.
Did not even try to uninstall windows updates but solved the problem.


So, the fine people at Sketchup HQ are basically telling people who cannot afford to fork out 600 bucks to go suck it? That’s what I’m getting from all of this. I’m a Make 2017 user who uses Sketchup for personal projects and I have been for several years now. Now I’m being told I need to fork out 600 bucks for SU Pro just to get a workaround. I agree with Pitus. I would think that if this was a graphic or driver issue, left click selecting would not be the only thing affected.

Looks to me as if you’re misreading the whole thing.

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