Scrapbooks dosent work correctly

I would like to know why some scrapbooks don’t work in some files or for other people. The same sketchup file in different layout files may not work as shown in the video.
The intention will be to configure these scraps to be used by other people.

It’s hard to tell in your little video what is wrong because you don’t stay on anything long enough to see but the leaders for the labels have to be anchored on the model in the viewport. It appears in the second one that it is not anchored on the model. Is there a face for the floor in the second one?

Share the LO file with the “non-working” label so we can see exactly what you’ve got going on.

I am aware that they do not work on the following occasions.

  • Not having a face where he can get some information.
  • Cooplanar faces
  • It is not anchored to something.
  • Not being able to anchor it when dragging the scrapbook.
    But this is not the case with the file

The layout file was made in 2024, and the scrapbook was made in 2023. If it were for personal use it wouldn’t be a problem, I would like to make it available.

file not working: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

How about sharing the file from your video with the scrapbook item you show not working.

I see what the problem is. LayOut doesn’t like the É in the scene name. Changing the scene name to TERREO makes the label work as expected but surely you want TÉRREO not TERREO.

@adam might have some input on that.

I changed the name just like you did and it didn’t work. Maybe it worked for you for other reasons, or it’s just random.