Scale tool for point cloud

Dear colleagues,
How to scale a point cloud using SketchUp or Scan Essentials?

There are no options to scale a PointCloud in SketchUp or Scan Essentials.


Why would you need to scale point cloud? What are your objectives? I am also curious about your professional background and the type of projects that you typically work on. Thanks

Dear Olivia, I’m CAD/BIM Expert provide projects support. Current question was appeared according such conditions: point cloud was created by photogrammetry without gps without control points. In this case the model was created in the random scale. To lead the model to correct scale I can use known size one of elements of this model and to scale the model as on proportion.

You can scale your point cloud with Cloudcompare before inserting it into SketchUp

I use it also when an import into SketchUp fails