Round two adjacent edhes on rectangular rod (SU2014)

I want to design a box made from 25x25mm rectangular rods. Along the side and bottom I can do a simple arc and push/pull to round the edges. How can I round the two adjacent sides on the corner pieces please?

I just want the top to be curved - not the whole corner rod.

Use a 45 degree vertical face to slice a copies of rounded 25mm cube(s).

See: Creating a groin vault with a raised center

Thanks Dan – I think I know what you’re saying but I’m a beginner J



This message seems to have come from Sqn Ldr Howard Toon’s private email account.

“No matter how hard you push the envelope, it will remain stationery”

Try this:


Thanks Gully

That’s how I started to look at it but I want the basic rectangular rod shape to be retained – something like this:

I followed Dan’s hint and got this double-rounded top but couldn’t get that top curve smooth – there’s a definite ridge there. L



This message seems to have come from Sqn Ldr Howard Toon’s private email account.

“No matter how hard you push the envelope, it will remain stationery”

Use the Follow Me tool. Omit the rounded corners and simply run the tool around the perimeter. It’s exactly like using a router to cut the same corner radii.

As a rule, it’s better to get your geometry completely constructed before applying colors so you can see what you’re doing.


If a smooth tangency is what this is about, be sure to look for double-tangent inferencing, which is magenta, when you draw the profile of the corner radius:


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