Have searched everywhere but can find no tutorial or discussion for rounding the leading edges of a drawer front (or any square or rectangular object) in SketchUp for iPad. Tried to use the follow me tool - after first drawing a quarter inch fillet on the top left corner - I can then use follow me to cut the fillet all the way around the face but cannot get the geometry to close when I come around again to the starting point.
The technique and tools (Arc, Follow Me) should be the same in SketchUp for iPad
I hadn’t thought to do it that way Mihai. I will have to try it front the inside! I always just build on top and close the face, but I like your way.
Here is my iPad file in down and dirty steps.
Round edges test.skp (145.2 KB)
Things to keep in mind for the iPad follow me:
~ There’s a trick to getting it to auto follow, a flick of the wrist kind of like a Harry Potter wand. It will probably take a few tries.
~ you select the path first then the tool and then put your cursor on the face and flick/ swipe it into the line.
It’s always easier to start in the middle of a line.
Thanks for the replies, they were helpful but raised more questions, of course. First I was incorrect to claim I couldn’t find a tutorial on use of Follow Me (FM), I had found a Square One tutorial and looking at it again I realized I wasn’t following the proper sequence. I can get it to work every time now but there is always a leftover little piece of unclosed surface which I assume means I can never make that group a Solid? From your example I searched until I found out how to “weld the edges” but even doing that does not give me entirely closed geometry after FM. I’ve attached a file with a couple examples. Also I don’t quite understand what you mean by “It’s always easier to start in the middle of a line.” or how that would work in my example.
Thanks again!
df ex.skp (86.6 KB)
Having the file was very helpful. Here, I return it with fixed closed drawer fronts.
df ex 2.skp (91.0 KB)
In this case you were trying to model too small. SketchUp doesn’t handle tiny geometry very well so when you start getting into teeny tiny triangular corners it starts dropping information. All I did was make your two drawers into components, make a copy of each and blow those two copies up by 100, then I simply drew a line along the edge of each hole and they healed themselves. Because they were components and I hadn’t deleted the first ones, the first ones healed themselves too. Then I deleted the giant ones.
And by “it’s always easier to start in the middle of a line”…. I should have said that the shape should be 90 degrees to the path you want it to follow or else it kind of starts crooked, and then it ends crooked and doesn’t seal the shape. So by starting it in the middle on one side of the path, when it rounds the corner it won’t have to guess how to end because it should match up flat when you’re done.
I’m definitely over explaining it, and most likely causing more confusion than not.
Loving how well that works! I’ve gone back to the project and cleared away all the little holes now. I didn’t even need to make dups, I just enlarged the image with two fingers to the point I could draw a line through the little void and it fills in like magic! Then it’s just a matter of removing the lines with the smoothing erasure and it’s a Solid Component.
Still having trouble with the middle of the line concept since what I’m doing starts with an arc on one corner but it doesn’t really matter now that the larger issue is solved.
Thanks a million Danimaupin!!!