Restaurant & Bar layout

Ladies & Gentleman,

Can you help me get started on a Restaurant Lay out. I have never used this program before, and wanted to start using SketchUp, Pro. just signed up for the 30 day trial and will purchase the SketchUp Pro version. anyone has any ideas they can share with me or any, restaurant & Bar lay out that I can see, to help me get started. this is my first time on SketchUp.

Thank you,
Ricky Vantwest.

Start with the tutorials at

And please edit your post to remove your e-mail address. It’ll just get harvested by some bot and it’s against the forum rules.

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Thank you for that DavidR. I will remove it now.
Ricky Vantwest.

Are you designing the building as well? Interior finish and buildout? Or just the restaurant layout and fixtures. What about Kitchen and equipment? Walk in coolers and freezers?

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Good morning,
thank you for your reply. yes, i need interior finish and buildout too, basically complete layout. do you have anything you can share ???

Have you tried doing a web search for restaurant and bar layouts, floor plans, designs, etc.? You must have some (unstated here) constraints which would limit the applicability of someone else’s design to your project (e.g., size, cost, number of floors, local climate) but hopefully you could mentally apply those constraints to whatever existing designs you find and imagine any needed changes.

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Have a look at Archidaily

Under projects you can filter down to building type and country , usually high quality plans and photo’s there for a reference

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Thanks for the ARCH Daily Tip.
Great Site.


Thank you. I will look into a web search. great idea.
