Request help! Component corrupted and undeletable

Hi All, I have a model where the imported component from the warehouse. The component caused a crash as I was resizing it. After restarting Sketchup, it is not visible on the model, but that component is still there in the component list. The component appears when I zoom out and disappears upon zoom in. It is neither selectable or delete-able at this moment and the whole model has also started to crash frequently


Attach your model for someone to check.

Maybe these components are locked.

Right click on a component and choose unlock. Then delete it.

This is a pure guess. As written by @Box, upload you model if possible.

Another possibility is to copy the part that you want to keep and paste it in another empty file.

I have the same problem. My part turned into surfaces. I was able to delete the surfaces before on other parts but I can’t select this part so I can’t delete the surfaces.

Can you upload your model for someone to check it?