Reliability of 2024 is poor

Is anybody else having issues with the reliability of the 2024 update? Yes I am working on a very large model. I accept that but I have worked with larger models in previous versions and although it was expectedly slow it worked. I have had so many crashes with this latest release. At one point I thought that you had changed its name to Sketchup (Not Responding). I am now also having issues with Curic Knife not working. It was working last week.
I have remodelled large sections to reduce the size and polygon count which has allowed me at least to get it into Layout but now I am having the same issues with Layout (Not Responding).

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Not especially but I have been having intermittent silent crashes of SketchUp on start up.

I don’t use Curic Knife much but I do use Curic DIO2 exclusively and have had no problems.

Layout is fine.

But I don’t work with “very large models”.

Are you able to share such a large model?

Hi Paul,

Sadly I can’t share the model as it is a live project. I would say that 70% of the crashes are on saving. I have had a couple on start up and the rest on simple things like rotating geometry. It may be perception but it doesn’t seem as robust.

Are you using a dedicated scene for modeling that uses a fast style (monochrome faces, no profiles, no extensions, no endpoints, etc.) ?

Good point Dan. I have been using the full texture albeit I have significantly reduced the size of the textures to keep the model size in check.
For the output I need full texture.

I use a work flow in Layout that really helps. I setup a viewport (architectural) with guide lines that I can align other view ports and grid labels ect Guide lines on their own layer get turned off for final output When your happy with the scale and what ever might change copy the view port and paste it to a new layer. Then each Layer can have its own style and tags. I have a vector layer that I use to dimension with everything but the basic lines turned off. A working layer and an output layer for my final out put style and tags. the working layer can have a lot turned off and I find on the output layer if I need a hybrid viewport it doesnt have to re render so slow. This process is only a pain if you need to change the camera or something like that so I get it pretty set before making the copies. Then you just turn the right layer on as needed. I hope this makes scenes.

This is fine. Set up dedicated export scene(s) with a “heavy” style, but model in the working scene with the “fast” style.

My most common template has 4 scenes, each with its own style:
“Thumbnail”, “Image”, “Print” and “Work” (the latter is the “fast” modeling scene.)

Thanks Ivan. I use layers for notes, dimensions, annotations etc but I have never attached a separate style to them. I will give this a go.

I think my issue will be the same when it comes to output. The model is large without annotation etc. At some stage I will have to have to have the right textures etc and that is when it usually crashes.

Where are the files being saved? If you are getting crashes on start up and save there may be a problem with the file location.

I was having the same problem. I redid a set of styles, ran all my components thru cleanup3. I still can get crashes in 2024 exporting from layout to PDF in those instances I export using 2023 and its better. Ive looked at my system and its not over loaded but runs at 70% of ram some times 90% on a 16 gb machine. In my mind it should be ok but I believe an upgrade will make a difference. The things I mentioned help a lot because you can get the work done before fighting most of the speed issues at output time. About the only thing I cant change in layout are section cuts. That would be a nice addition in layout. Not moving cuts just turning them on and off. You can change styles and tags in layout that was new a few versions ago. It saves me not having so many scenes in SU as I can change a lot within the layout viewport. I currently have 2022 2023 and 2024 loaded and jump back to 2023 often and sometimes 2022. I saved all my scrapbooks back to 2022 for cross compatibility ( have a large library of details) Test your output settings for jpg compression. you might not notice a lower setting making much difference in final appearance. It make a huge difference in PDF file size and how hard layout works to create it.

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Absolutely. Compared with any previous release I can remember over the last decade, 2024 is hands down far less reliable, and crashes far more often for me and literally everyone on my team who uses it daily.

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“Some days are better than others, and some days have bouncers & won’t let you in” - just to say that there are days where 2024 crashes several times in a row, then others where it’s less buggy, but it’s still annoying…
it’s mostly when zooming very close in to a detail to get a snap. And the bugsplat thinggy tells me it’s something about some Microsoft Runtime nonsense that i should uninstall, & then uninstall/reinstall Su/Lo, as if I’ve got all day to do that ! Plus, i’m leery of uninstalling Windows stuff as I don’t know what other programs will be messed up if I do !
Hého, roll on another patch or three…


I have had the same messages. I can’t see how it worked last week and then fails this week with the same C++ libraries installed.

Hi Taz, the problem is it works fine and then suddenly it crashes for no apparent reason. I have changesthe file location and it makes no difference.

I’ve found that 2024 has been overall, very very good.
IMO, many issues are caused by plug in’s. Perhaps some are not compatible with others?
This was a problem for me in the past and now that I’ve removed a couple it has been a better experience.

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It’s not related to any plug in for what my team is experiencing.

Depends on the plug in obviously.
As I mentioned, 2024 is working good for me.

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Are you using the new graphics engine or the old? Switch to the old and see if it improves.

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Sadly with the lack of functionality that Trimble include in the product, I could not work without extensions.

No plugins installed. Clean install of SketchUp on clean new machines. Kernel panics regularly on all dozen of them.