2024 - Just installed and its just lagging, why?

Hi guys!

I have just installed Sketchup 2024 after waiting a time because the release always have some bugs. After the installation i watched Arons video and was thrilled to start using it because we have a lot of heavy models. All my projects is slow and lagging wich they are not in 2023. As i spin the 3D-model around in 2024 only the frame will show and it jumps frame to frame. I have tried using the old settings and the new ones in 2024 but its the same, i cant use 2024 at all. Everyone cant have this problem because then the whole 2024 version will be ■■■■ and,of course, thats not the case here. It must be me, my computer,my installation or just my settings but i cant figure out what it is. Here is a link to one och the files wich are working just fine in 2023 but is awfull and useless in 2024 Transfer - Dropbox
And here is 2 video wich show the behaviour for me. Transfer - Dropbox

Hopefully someone can help me, i really want to start using 2024 with all that nice new stuff :).

Edit: Here is my settings

Hi, is your profile still up to date ? especially the graphics card ?

Capture d’écran 2024-07-21 à 08.52.01

The HD graphics 530 is old, almost a decade old, and it was already lower end back then.
again, your profile says it’s a 128mb GPU.

Sketchup2024 requirement page states that it needs at least a 512mb GPU, that’s the minimum.

So again, if your profile is correct, I’m afraid you’ve hit the maximum with 2023.

Hmm, i am not sure i have the correct info in my profile. I seem to have 2 cards, can that be correct? The screenshots are in swedish but mayde the are understandable anyway.

After some reading i have now updated my profile :slight_smile:

Hello, have you tried switching to the classic engine ?
Also, in your 2023 video profiles are turned off, but they’re on in 2024. Turn them off as they sometimes cause performances issues with big models

Make sure that SketchUp 2024 is set to use the Quadro 5000

Check the HP support app too - it looks like some of your drivers could be newer

I spent some time over the weekend looking at that model, and I think that it does show a problem, but for me it’s the same issue in 2023 and in 2024. 2021 and 2022 don’t show the problem. I will create a bug report about it.

The problem being that tags that are hidden seem to still affect performance. You would think that orbiting a model with hidden tags would be just as smooth as orbiting the same model with all of those tags deleted (including deleting the geometry on those tags). With 2021 and 2022 the model orbits smoothly, without removing the hidden tags. With 2023 and 2024 the orbiting becomes very smooth if the tags are deleted.

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Yes, tried that and also but its the same issue. Turning profiles (and edges) on and off did not make any difference at all. Its lagging the same with them on or off.

Done. Still the same :frowning:

Thanks for doing that Colin.

Maybe i dont understand what you mean. In 2023 i would say the performance is ok. I can hide the tags whith much geometry and everything runs smooth but in 2024 its lagging no matter what. What you are saying is that i need to delete the tags and also the geometry in them to get it to run smooth in 2024? in that case its just a smaller project…I just tried to delete all the tags in the project and then hide all groups and just viewing the house group and a surafe from dronesurvey but it is still the same. it was no change i would say. Am i missing something here, can i do it in some other way to get it to work in 2024?

Now i also have all of my drivers installed so the computer should be just fine :).

He’s saying that the problem goes away if he deletes them, meaning he’s discovered a bug and that it is being looked at.

I was testing on Mac, it may be that Windows 2023 didn’t have the problem I was talking about. I will try Windows as well.

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I just made a new video also. 23 in 24 sketchup new vs old engine I can see a big difference now when using the old engine instead when opening 2023 project in 2024. Maybe thats the way to work for me? Staring new projects in 2024 and using the new engine and when i have to work with the old projects i have to switch to the old engine.

Just discovered that its the perspective mode that causes the lagging. Its the same if i am using the old graphics engine or the new. Video of perspective lagging

I think this is a 2024 problem. Importing this files Surface from drone .dae file in sketchup 2024 and then switching between perspective and paralell projection will make a huge effect for the user. In perspective the lagging is obvious. This is NOT how it behaves in 2023.

And if i take a small file like this surface
Bef mark 240620.skp (5.7 MB)
the problem is the same. Download it and import. Then zoom in close so you just see a couple of triangels and make sure you are in perspective mode. Then zoom in and out quick a couple of times and see how it behaves. Do the same and switch to paralell projection and the difference in behaviour is huge.

I did find out what the problem was, and it did first happen in 2023 on Mac, but not until 2024 on Windows. I logged a bug report about the problem. SKOR-19255 in our system.

What is happening is that the complex geometry on hidden tags are still affecting performance. In 2022 on Mac or Windows, you can have a very demanding scene that orbits slowly, but if you hid the tags that include complex terrain, for example, the remaining visible model orbits smoothly. In 2023 and 2024 on Mac, and 2024 on Windows, the model still performs nearly as badly as if the hidden tags were still showing.

Here is a screen recording of a lamp being orbited, where there is still a hidden tag with lots of terrain on it:

In 2022, that would have orbited smoothly. Here is the same model, only I deleted the hidden tag, and its contents:

The reason it becomes smoother if you are on parallel projection, is because even the hidden tag contents are rendered super fast, and so don’t cause a problem.

For the importing the DAE case, I tried that in 2017, 2021, 2023, and 2024. All of them show poor performance when in Perspective. I did find that how much slower perspective was than parallel projection depended on where you had zoomed in and out from. I was able to get as much slowness in 2023 as in 2024.

Two odd things, that I will check into: 1. Sometimes the orbiting becomes very smooth, it would be good to know why that view is smooth, but a slight orbit away from that direction then becomes jerky. 2. Even when orbited to a smoother looking direction, zoom is jerky. Why is it zoom can’t be as smooth as orbit?

I will try to show the developers what I mean, and see if they can explain the behavior.


This must be a problem for all users then? Or is it just som computers with specific setups? I seems strange that a software behaving line this being released and no one had the problem since april. :wink: