Recreating garden hardscape is too difficult

I’m having trouble recreating garden hardscape. Need help i’m a novice.

Start here:

and here:


Feel free to ask any specific questions here and we’ll help out. As Dezmo recommends, take the fundamentals course first…then move on to the Landscape and Site Design when ready. Be sure to also include any screenshots and your model with your questions so it’s easier for us to know how to help.

Hi @clairexbears, thanks for the post and welcome to our forums!

I will second what everyone else said. Start with the basics and make sure you have a somewhat decent grasp on how everything works in SketchUp before you start to dive into more complex topics. Once you have that figured out, maybe post an example of what you want to achieve and maybe a screenshot or two of your current work.

We are all happy to offer ideas on what you can do to optimize your workflow, enhance your output and generally improve your skills but without some idea of where your skills are and what you are looking to do, any advice we can offer will be fairly generic. I can’t speak for other users, but I can promise I’ll be kind with any feedback I can offer so don’t be intimidated just share something.

Also, if your profile is correct and you are running the Pro version, consider learning about the sandbox tools if you have not already done so! They are pretty awesome for doing terrain in general.

Read the help and look at videos on Sandbox Tools.