I’m attempting to create an elevator with two opposing mirrored walls. The final finish should be an infinity mirror finish with the mirrors having a bronze tint. I have achieved the bronze mirrored effect but having trouble making the Vray render look realistic/presentable. (rough Vray render & Sketchup model attatched)
I can’t tell what exactly is making the render seem off. I belive it could be the fact mirrored corners included in the Sketchup seem to have lost any depth (all bronze is mirrored). I’d appreciate any advice regarding this issue.
I’m not so familiar with v-ray but in some biased renderering there is a limit to the reflections calculated. It looks like yours is limited to 5? so you cold adjust that number up to get the infinite look ( obviously you don’t want to calculate to infinity…just enough so its small enough not to notice)
attached quick render with extended tracing to 124 ( as opposed to default 5 - Thea)
Another thought, but it’s entirely subjective is that when in tight spaces like an elevator the only way to see more space is to use a very wide lens (which is realistic), but for visualization I prefer to use a section plane to see into the small space an have the camera back a little further so as not to use such a distorting lens.
I primarily use Thea Render now.
One more thing worth considering is to use depth of field for something like this too, while it shows the infinity effect it also keeps focus (literally) on the main elevator cab.
As for the blue, I have a little “bloom” added, but I think yours might be too much? I think if you dialed it down a little it would look the same?
I agree, but It’s the bounce from the carpet. Which is somewhat what would happen. If it’s an issue I wonder if it would be better to render using a grey carpet and then add the purple color to the carpet in post?