Hi there!
Thank you in advance for your time. I am completely new to Sketchup and I am currently trialling the free web version of it. I was watching the help videos but I only got as far as the second video, as my version of sketchup simply does not want to do, what I am told to do in the videos.
My issue is with the PULL/PUSH Bar. I do apologise in advance if this has already been a topic on this forum, I tried to browse through some of the related topics and couldn’t find my answer.
In the video im asked to draw a square, type in 4’,4’ then enter (to make a 4ft by 4ft square). This works just fine hallelujah! BUT then the next step is to use the push and pull tool and type 4" then enter, to make a 4" height. Now this is where the film breaks.
Whatever number I try to type becomes a zero first and then the surface/roof of my square disappears as well! This happens while im hovering the push pull tool over the square and the surface is light blue shaded. When I move the push pull tool away from the square so that the surface becomes grey, I can type a number (it wont make it a zero) but I then cant make the " sign. Whenever I press the shift key the whole number disappears.
I am using Microsoft edge and I guess the 2020 version? Im not very technical…
Thank you!!