I have several extensions in SketchUp 2024 from both Extension Warehouse and SketchUcation. When I load some of my extensions, while keeping all others disabled, drawing simple geometry like lines, rectangles, etc. seems to be very jumpy. Now this is when I open a new blank template. Extensions loaded are Fredo tools, 1001bit pro, JHS Powerbar and several from Curic.
I also have many extensions loaded to my Sketchup Make 2017 (which I mostly use for testing), including tools I just mentioned, and it doesn’t seems to suffer the same lag. It draws very smoothly.
Can someone recommend a fix or suggestion in the way of diagnosis or testing that may help.
I’ve tried both options on the video settings. Doesn’t seem to affect performance one way or the other. I’ll try again though and also take Nabs suggestion of trying disabling one by one to isolate.
First, thank you guys for offering those suggestions. I’ve tried both procedures but still having same results. It did help a bit by using the new graphics engine and selecting my current onboard video card. Helps when I start a new SU session, but starts to lag after modifying some or drawing new objects.
I also uninstalled and reinstalled SU. Didn’t seem to help.
I guess I should look into an upgraded video card. I’ve already updated to latest driver for my GeForce GTX 1650. Any other thoughts?
I have a GTX 1060 and I’ve not had very many issues except with display scaling conflicts. (A Qt bug.)
Well, use a modeling scene with a fast style (preferably Monochrome) and no presentation features (like AO, shadows, object profiles, edge endpoints, extended edges, etc.) Save these presentation features for a presentation scene. Explained in Help article:
Thank you both for trying to help me out. Sorry I haven’t responded very promptly. Dealing with some current health issues—temporary I hope.
After disabling all third party extensions, I notice once I pile on a modest amount of geometry, maybe a couple of solids, a grid for a sandbox example, a few push-pulls, all with SU native tools of course, then save the file and reopen that file; the geometry process starts to lag; not horribly but noticeably. And yes re-enabling one extension at a time doesn’t seem to help or impact the problem. Btw Dan, I did use your suggestion and set up Fast Style (that’s what SU calls it anyway). Doesn’t make much difference.
For now, I guess let’s see what SU 2025 might bring us when it’s released.
Use groups and components, and assign them to categorical tags.
Then when you are working on other parts of the model, switch off the tags you are currently unconcerned with.
Another thing you can do is set the Hide rest of model, and fade rest of model to reduce what SketchUp needs to draw as you are editing.
See the Model Info > Components panel.
If this does help, try to see if SU24 acts any different from someone else’s computer. (A friend’s or family member’s machine.)