Sketchup '21 crashing after installing Sketchucation ExtensionStore to allow Fredo licensing

Hi Guys, hope you can help…

I’m on Mac 10.13.6 with Sketchup '21 and Vray 5 installed. I was using Fredo Corner trial option, which then expired asking to install sketchucation extensionstore to allow purchase of license. I downloaded and installed ExtensionSore from Sketchucation and now Sketchup crashes every time on load.

It comes up with the "Sketchup crashed the last time it loaded extensions. Continue to load extensions?’ warning. If I click Skip Extensions then Sketchup loads fine, but I have no access to any extensions, including Vray. If I click Load Extensions then Sketchup crashes immediately after opening the file, every time.

I’ve tried deleting the extension files from everywhere I can find.
I’ve tried uninstalling Sketchup and re-installing SU and Vray only, but no difference.
I can’t use Extension Manager to remove extensions because SU crashes before I can access it. And if loaded without extensions then there is nothing in Extension Manager to remove etc.

Any ideas how to get SU reset without ExtensionStore from Sketchucation killing it?



If it is installed correctly, the Sketchucation Extension Store should not be causing SketchUp to crash. Have you contacted anyone at Sketchucation about this?

Not yet, you guys are my first port of call, as it feels like I need to do something with Sketchup to remove Extension Store, but I’ll contact them too.

I wonder if the installation of the Sketchucation Extension Store is a red herring. Your profile says you are using Mac OS 10.13. SketchUp 2021 doesn’t support that version. The system requirements say 10.14, 10.15, or 11. That’s not to say it won’t run on 10.13.

Another thing to consider is graphics drivers being out of date. Your profile indicates you have an old Mac with an Nvidia GPU. Apple hasn’t supported that graphics card for a long time. Crashes on startup have often been found to be due to out of date graphics drivers. Something else to look into. Maybe time for a new machine.

FWIW, my MacBook Pro with Nvidia graphics got to the point where I could no longer update it and because the graphics drivers were not being supported I couldn’t run SketchUp smoothly. I had to replace it and opted for a PC notebook with an Nvidia card.

Thanks for your replies Dave.

I tried finding an older version of Extension Store but couldn’t find any links anywhere. I’m guessing it’s the incompatibility with my operating system that’s causing the problem. Unfortunately my hardware can’t be updated anymore, so I’m stuck with older versions of everything. Partly why I asked about how to remove Extension Store, so I could get things running again with SU and Vray. Some functionality doesn’t work, but I’m able to get decent results, within its limitations.

I’d love to upgrade to a newer machine but financially that will have to wait, so I need to make do for now.

Any idea how to make sure Extension Store is completely removed from my (admittedly very old) machine?


Is not the incompatibility of the Sketchucation tool. It’s the incompatibility of SketchUp with the old operating system.

I know that. It’s why my MacBook is buried in a closet.

Look lin ~/Library/Application Support/ SketchUp/…SketchUp 2021/Plugins. Of course without the current version of the Sketchucation tool you will not be able to run any of Fredo6’s paid extensions.

“Look lin ~/Library/Application Support/ SketchUp/…SketchUp 2021/Plugins.”

I tried that and this is all that is there:

“Of course without the current version of the Sketchucation tool you will not be able to run any of Fredo6’s paid extensions.”

Right now, if I can get SU and Vray back up and running I’ll settle for that.

I think you are looking in the wrong folder. The vfs extension is normally installed in the system-level /Library, not in you individual ~/Library where SketchUp puts most extensions (notice that ~ in the path DaveR provided). ~ is a traditional shorthand for your own home folder. Finder normally hides ~/Library, but you can get there by entering the path in Finder->Go->Go To Folder, being careful to preserve any embedded spaces. Here is the path in a form you can cut and paste in to the Go To Folder’s dialog.

~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2021/SketchUp/Plugins

Look for a file SketchUcation.rb and a folder SketchUcation

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Thanks slbaumgartner, that did the trick.

I wasn’t familiar with the ~/Library meaning the user library, and that it was hidden (very helpful…) by Finder.

Thanks for all your help guys! :beers:

I have a 2013 MacBook Pro and I was able to install and run sketchup 2023 without any issues, I don’t use it any more I just did it out of curiosity and installed the sketchucation store plugin to be able to install fredo plug-ins as well and I had no issues, the os is Big Sur, the last officially supported but there are ways to install newer os versions I haven’t done it cause I have a newer MacBook but if I had issues like you and it was my only machine I would update the OS. I’m not sure what was the last MacOS that supported Nvidia gpu’s, if you update you’ll be using only the integrated graphics from Intel but that will probably solve your issues.

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