J’ai un problème avec mon rendu. J’ai importer un fichier collada de 3d Warehouse et mon rendu apparait transparent.
Pouvez vous m’aidez. Merci
What version of SketchUp are you using? What version of Vray? What graphis card?
Please share the SketchUp model so we can see exactly what you’ve got.
It’s hard to tell from your screenshot but there should be faces in your model.
Are its faces reversed? Post the model or a link to the 3D Warehouse item.
comment puis je récupérer le lien de mon fichier sketchup
Retrieve it from where? If the file is smaller than 16 Mb, drag and drop the .skp file into your reply and wait for it to finish uploading before clicking the Reply button. If it’s larger than that, upload it to Drop Box or We Transfer and share the link in your reply.
That’s the .skb backup file. It may not be the latest version. The .skp file would be desirable.
Much of your model has reversed faces. The blue indicates they are reversed. You need to correct those faces in order to get the rendering to work the way you want.
You didn’t answer my question about the version of Vray you are using.
Is this a hobby thing for you?
J’utilise Vray 5
Non ce n’est pas un passe temps. Je l’utlise pour du home staging ou autre.
Then you need to be using SketchUp Pro, not SketchUp Make.
Oui je sais bien, lors de mon renouvellement Vray je prendrai la version pro de sketchup
Je vous propose de regarder cet exemple de mon travail et de me dire ce que vous en pensez.
Nice work but you must upgrade to SketchUp Pro. Or get SketchUp Studio which includes Vray.