Problem with extruding

Im trying to extrude the curve surface along the inclined rectangle’s edge (1st pic, on the left) ,but its either becoming like the 2nd or 3rd. Im using Fredo’s Joint push pull tool. Any idea?
232.skp (192.2 KB)
Here’s the skp file


It’s a little unclear to me what you want to achieve. Can you post a sketch of what you want the final geometry to look like?

When you say “extrude a curved surface along the inclined rectangle’s edge”, do you mean around the perimeter of the large rectangular assembly?

oh sorry for being unclear, and no not around it, actually i want a corrugated tin like shape that would be solid, not just a surface, see this :


Not using any special plugins, this is how I’d do that.


@ArchyVR has the right idea … for modeling a tile roof. But @reuer asked about a corrugated metal roof … yes?

With that in mind … here is what I would do.

240717B_Corrugated_Metal.skp (108.6 KB)

Create the profile for the corrugated roof … a profile with some “area” … so that it can then be extruded using the Follow Me tool. No SketchUp Extensions required … all native tools.