I have a problem when importing a file from AutoCAD, it doesn’t matter how ‘clean’ the file is, the visualization is the one shown in the photo.
System info:
-GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030
-Windows 10 64-bit
-Sketch up 2022 Pro
I have tried it on other computers, different SketchUp versions, GPUs, etc and the problem appears to be the same. My file doesn’t have any 3D information.
I think it might be something related to Openl GL but I’m not sure.
The import units are ok. That’s not the problem. I publish the file, but many of my friends have imported it without any problem. I don’t know why the same file that I’m posting here, appears like this on my computer:
The problem is that your import winds up extremely far from the origin. About 451 statute miles when import units are set to feet. Untick the box for Preserve Origin in the import options and then try it.
Well depending on where the site plan set it’s “datum/geo reference” point I don’t find that strange at all. Not at all uncommon in civil/survey drawings or not in the ones that I have dealt with.
AutoCad has no issue with large coordinates but many dedicated 3D modelling and BIM applications do. I haven’t tried AutoCad with advanced 3D shaded views, though. Revit and Archicad recommend the model to stay within 30 kilometers from the model origin. I would guess that even that is a bit too much for SketchUp.