Why is it that sometimes i press P for Push Pull, the website of Sketchup is openen?, how can i solve that, it’s very annoying
Which website is opened exactly? This one : https://help.sketchup.com , or what else?
Are you still using SU 2019 as your profile saying?
Maybe you shortcut assignment ruined up somehow ( perhaps by one of your extension/plugin).
You can check your current assignment e.g. by installing this Extension:
What does it show when you run it? Do you see duplicate assignments?
The https://help.sketchup.com/en , is assigned (hard wired) to F1 button as default… can it be that you press it accidentally?
You can try to reinstall SketchUp by right click on a downloaded installer file, chose Run as administrator, and when prompted chose Repair.
You can try the Reset All button at SketchUp Preferences>Shortcuts, then restart SketchUp .
However in this case you need to define again your custom shortcut. (If you print out the list of shortcut before Reset, than it would be easier…)
Thanks for your reply, i haven’t had the time yet to answer, sorry.
I will look at your suggestion, i’ll let you know if it worked.
Unfortunately, still no solution, is there a way to contact Sketchup itself?, when i go to the site i can’t submit a ticket.
What does it mean that you “can’t submit a ticket.”?
Do you use this for to contact them?
(BTW: If you are using SU2019 - as shown in your forum profile - it is out of supported version… so perhaps they will refuse to help.)
I have changed my profile, was outdated.
When i click on support i se this:
When i click on contact support i see this:
And when i click on Sketchup support i am back with the first page:
That is strange…
the link I provided in my previous post should bring you to this:
(However the Contact Technical Support form takes a cupple of seconds time to load, but its is there for me…):
Try to wait a little more or perhaps try in a different web browser…
Thanks, Google Chrome didn’t do it, Microsoft Edge did work. I will ask Sketchup itself now. I will let you know what they replied.