Please help - can't import from 3dmax to sketchup

Please help!
Ive tried everything. I exported from 3dmax to collada,fbx,3ds and dwg and it wont import in sketchup. Half of the furniture is missing. Can someone open this in sketchup with everything like it is in 3dmax?

3D Studio Max is the only application that can open .max files.
Are you importing the files you exported to the correct size? If the exported meshes are too dense they might fail to import into SkethUp, especially if imported smaller than the original.

I got errors when I opened it in Max 2022 and LOTS of errors when I tried to export to .dae for SU.

Granted I don’t have a lot of experience with Max but it just seems to be a hot-mess for SU. It might work great in Max but not here. SU just freezes when you try to use the exported file. The dae opens fine in Blender but it’s all black as the textures are missing, I assume.