I often don’t bother saving the second version of the Matchphoto scene, and just rely on changing styles when I need to export. (It should be one click, but a bug in the Mac version sometimes requires 2.) There can be other things in that export style to think about, like not showing the axes, guides or even edges, if that’s the look you want.
Ive been having great success lately with Photo Match & VRay, but I now have a project where I need to create a nice visual on a house covered with foliage (which is coming off) and the client wants to see how it will look.
Probably makes more sense to model the house using the matched photo as reference but then apply materials to it rather than projecting the image as texture.
I think you’re right Dave. I have been driving myself nuts trying to use Match Photo, because modelling a house and then applying all the materials to render is so time consuming.