Match Photo works, then the photo disappears

My model isn’t particularly complex but if I do a photo match and then click “Done” and go to another scene, once I click back on the photo match scene it doesn’t show the photo.
M1 MBP Sonoma 14.7.2 on Sketchup 23.0.396

Did you override the style so that photo is not showing?

Post the model so we can see what you have setup.

I wonder if “Foreground Photo” and “Background Photo” are unchecked in the style setting that your scene is using.

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As Mike asks, share the .skp file so we can see what you’ve got going on.

Please update your forum profile with this information. Currently your profile shows you are using SketchUp 2018.

Nice, you got it. I applied the Default style and it shows :unamused: Thank y’all!

Posting my stage design, LMK if there are things I should be doing. Been sketching for a while but sometimes you just do things a certain way bc they work & I’d welcome suggestions/recommendations if y’all have any. Thanks all!
WM2025 v2.skp (15.6 MB)

To be more specific, in the Details pane of the Scenes palette, “style and fog” were unchecked for the Scene that included the matched photo.

Your model is pretty clean. I found a small number of entities that need to be set to untagged.

By default all of the scene properties except Camera are unchecked for the Match Photo scene.

Since there’s no style saved with the scene, you would get what you saw if you switch to a scene with the Match Photo images disabled in the style. You probably want to correct the style for the Match Photo scene and make sure that style is saved with the scene.

Thank you! That’s very helpful, I may just remove the other properties to save.

That may not be a good choice. If you don’t save the properties with the scenes, those scenes will be rather unpredictable. That would be especially troublesome if you are setting up viewports from the scenes in LayOut.