Option Key

I am trying to make a sphere and to use the move/copy to rotate the second circle. Where do I find the Option key in SketchUp Pro?

The Option key is a key on the keyboard for Mac. It’s not a thing specific to SketchUp. Windows doesn’t have an Option key. With SketchUp most tools that use Option as a modifier on Mac use Ctrl as the modifier on Windows.

In a YouTube tutorial using SketchUp free version, he said to hit the Alt key to get the + next to the move function. FYI: I am using Windows 2011

What video?

On Windows Ctrl is the modifier to activate the Copy function of the Move tool. Alt is the modifier to activate Auto Fold. Get the Move tool and look at the bottom left of the model window to see the modifier keys listed.

I assume you are referring to Windows 10 maybe?

Many of the YouTube videos were done on Mac, and would show Option as a way to make a copy of an object.

What Dave said is right, where the videos show you Option, you would use Ctrl instead.

Thank you!


It is Windows 10 and the following is the YouTube video.

Duane R. Rawlins
Forge Electrical Engineer
Ext. - 5434