Not receiving authantification code

I just bought sketchup student and to be able to download sketchup on my computer I need to connect on trimble. But I dont receive the authantification code on my email. I already check my spam box and nothing is there. Same thing for my main box mail. What do I do ?


There shouldn’t be an “authantification code” in your e-mail. You should sign in with the e-mail address and password you setup when you purchased the license.

I received an email to go upload my new purchase. When I go to connect myself on sketchup im redirected on trimble. I enter my email and my password and after its say to ‘‘enter the code generated by your authenticator app in the field below.’’

Check to see whether the email landed in your spam/junk folder. Also make sure your email reader has refreshed its contents.

That should probably come to you in the form of a text message. At least it does for me.

There is the point… My spam box is empty, I tried many time to refresh it, I tried over and over on different website (google, bing, etc) I dont receive any code. Even my from text message. I just send a message to sketchup support, but they will probably reply to me tomorrow…

The message you see when first creating an account is like this:

“A verification code has been sent to your email. Please enter the code below to continue.”

The message you showed is what you would get if you have turned on Multi-Factor Authentication. To use that you would add your account details to whichever authenticator app you use. For example, Google Authenticator. Here’s the Windows version:

If you don’t have an authenticator app, or if it seems to be failing, you would need to contact SketchUp support to ask for the multi-factor authentication to be turned off, so that you can then sign in with only your email address and password.

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