Impossible to connect to sketchUp, no vérification code received

I’m using SketchUp for mac for 2 years now but this morning, I have this problem:

I open SketchUp and, as usual, I have to connect to Trimble but this time, they ask me a verification code sent to my phone number.
The problem is I never receive this code on my phone.

I tried to go through “forgot my password” but it’s the same story.
at the and they ask me the verification code.

Maybe I gave a wrong phone number when I signed in.
I’d like to contact Trimble support (French?) but I don’t know how.

Is someone can help me?

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If you visit this page and fill in the form - it will direct a support request to the correct team

Contact Customer Support | SketchUp Help

They will probably need to disable the multi factor authentication for you - send them a screenshot of the screen that is asking you for the codes - this will speed things up.

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