Not received licence

I need a proper key to work with new version sketchup
since I made payment for a new licence

I still only see that you bought Shop in May, for $119. Have you bought anything else since then?

Any of the subscription products don’t use a license key, they just work off your email address.

Thanks for mail
i need a option with direct access to sketchup file software
because I cont save files in lower version

You aren’t explaining what it is you need. If you have bought Shop that is what you have access to, not the desktop version which is more expensive than Shop. Shop only needs a sign in to work. From it you can Download models to your desktop in 4 year versions. 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017.
2017 would open in the still free desktop 2017 Make.

If you feel you have paid for the Pro version then that is a different matter and something Colin can help sort out for you.
But you need to explain what it is you are wanting to do.

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i want buy pro version,by mistake I chose to sketch up shop and paid 119 $
can you help me with that,i will pay deference amount

In the account management page:

You can choose plan settings, and in SketchUp Shop click on the edit plan settings. In there you can upgrade your Shop to Pro. You only pay the difference in price.

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