Hi, im working on a project for school where Im putting a house in 3D. Im almost done but suddenly the shadows don’t work. There are shadows on the objects but not on the ground.
I tried everything but it just doesn’t. I don’t know why because in other files it did work and I used the same settings. I need some helpt !
Perhaps because you are using a future version that none of us have, 2025 has yet to be released, or you have turned off On Ground in the shadow settings.
Or it it is something else that we can spend days guessing about without seeing your model.
Dropbox, wetransfer, drive etc
upload and share the link and make sure you set it to unrestricted, or make it private and send via private message.
Maybe you have some extension installed that set the location to the north pole. The default location for all of the shipped templates is Boulder, Colorado.
And a number of excessively large texture images for rather insignificant components in the model. Many of the textures could be replaced with simple colors without taking away from the model.
In fact is on the Equator, between the Atlantic and the Bay of Guinea. Quite a nice place for shadow studies, as half of the year the Sun shines from the North.