No Scenes for 2D on free web base sketchup

Where can I get a 2D scenes application as I am only entry into Sketchup but conversant with CAD and I would like to experience the program before I buy it but without the 2D scenes as a basic entry level to start my learning, I am highly unlikely to experience the full funtionality and therefore hardly unlikely to purchase what seems like a great CAD program

SketchUp has no separate “2D” mode. It is always 3D. You get a “plan” view by selecting the Top view and setting your camera to Parallel Projection.

You can do a 30 day free trial of SketchUp Pro to experience the full functionality

As per the tutorial he clicks on a ‘clapboard’ logo in ‘scenes’ that show a top view but my version doesn’t have it.

Unfortunately, I am not in the profession and I am present not enrolled in any education program

As to being enrolled in an education program…
@tweenulzeven was referring to the official one.

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Can you show a screenshot of the right side of your SketchUp window? This is what I see in SketchUp Go. It should be very close to the same in Sketchup Free.