No, I'm not an architect

This is my first post in this new Topic which I plan to dedicate to design work, works in progress, and completed projects. Very similar to Oklahoma House Build!.

This is a cabin addition in Idaho. The addition is almost bigger than the cabin. We may not actually do it, but I’m getting paid to draw it nonetheless! They are wanting to potentially have an outdoor deck, hence the door that breaks your legs on exiting, their idea… not mine.


Quick slap together I did as a favor for a friend with SketchUp Make 2017, using Word to organize the views.

He’s gonna build a 30x27 two car garage for someone and he needed something to show the county.

The plan sheet is shabbiest thing I’ve seen produced using SketchUp. Lol

Extensions used
@medeek Wall, Truss, Foundation
Place Maker
Profile Builder
Slope Markers (not sure on the name)


What is/are Slope Markers? Is that a roof slope or ‘terrain’ tool, maybe for grading out the garage slab?

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That’s an extension by John McClenahan and me, available from the SketchUcation plugin store.


It’s the little square symbol with the 6 and 1 indicating the pitch of the roof. It’s pretty nifty, just click an angled edge and poof, there it is. Then scale it to desired size.


Thanks. I see it. Easy capeasy for permits.

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@LinearGraphs is your forum profile up to date? I hate to be a spoilsport, but it is a license violation to use Free SketchUp Make 2017 for commercial work.

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It’s not fully featured on 2017 make though, I get load errors. Thankfully though the one button that works is that one the places the markers.

Indeed, but if I’m not paid, is it commercial work?
The top post I had a licensed pro version at the time, and I was paid for that one.

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I’m not a lawyer, so you would need to ask one, but I think the question is whether it is used in generating a project for a customer.

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I’d think you’d be able to take in enough for Pro on just a couple of projects like the one above. Not that I’m against helping friends out.

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Can you share a screenshot or text of the load errors you get?

I don’t even have a working copy of Make to check. The load errors are most likely due to the old version of Ruby that was used in Make 2017 (1.7 or 1.8 I thnk). Current versions use 2.7 and there have been warnings that 2024 will move to Ruby 3.2. It is very messy to keep code running with no issues on obsolete versions of Ruby!

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PMd it to you.

Ah! Overlays were introduced into SketchUp 2023, they don’t exist in Make 2017. Evidently I didn’t adequately guard against that, though I thought I had.

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Well, let us know if you take a crack at fixing it!

This is the definition of commercial.

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Well, he said he had a Pro license at the time he did that first one.

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Yea, I had a license at that time, 2022.

I know I can’t accept payment for this one.
I owed him some money that we both forgot about, and I did this for him so we could call it even.


I’m looking at it. I’ve found multiple places where I failed to block off things related to Overlays when the SketchUp version is before 2023. Its messy enough that it will take me a while to fix and test it.


Very nice. I really like the use of the wainscot.

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