I am having several issues that seam to be related to saving. The most concerning is that sketchup does not seem to be generating autosave files when it locks up?
2017 was generating autosaves on bugs splats and crashes fine before upgrade this week. The autosave files saved my butt. I had a series of crashes this week with files that had been converted from 2017 which also seemed to relate to the auto save interval (20 minutes) and manual saves. SU18 would just hang up. After several hang ups the files seemed corrupted as I couldn’t save even the most minor changes after opening crashed files. SU would just hang up again. I reinstalled SU18, this didn’t fix the saving issue. Eventually I figured that I could Select All and paste into a new file. This seemed to work fine, but still no autosave files created when it hangs up. Lost a bunch of time this week. ugh.
I understand this could be multiple issues, but wondering if related and also seeking advice. Maybe also a little coaching for best back-up or autosave practices. I find I can lose a lot of work in a short amount of time. Thanks for any replies.
OK, I just went into MAC-Libray-Application support and noticed a bunch of old Sketchup folders there (going back to early Google Versions, yikes). I deleted all of those and just noticed a AutoSave file was created for a 40 Minute old document. Maybe cleaning house helped, or maybe I really don’t understand AutoSave.
Just hung up on Save with an older file that had recently hung up. Whatever is causing the hang ups, I think I will need to copy everything (select all, copy) from recently crashed files and always create a new file with pasted info. This seems to be the best way to avoid the repeated hang ups.
Sorry if this is not the right way to engage the forum. New to the community, despite having used SU since 2003.
OK…Remember that AutoSave file that was created for the 40 minute old document. After hanging up (again) It’s GONE. I’m saving like mad at the moment. Possible that no Autosave file was saved because no changes were made between last save in the new file and the hang up in the corrupted file?
older version models will take longer to save the first time as there is some conversion involved…
where you save too, can also affect Autosave as it tries to make it’s copy in the same folder…
DropBox and iCloud folders can cause issues…
I rarely loose files, but I never use Autosave or create Back Up as I believe the mac implementation is fundamentally flawed and has been since v7 and Leopard…
I recently installed SimLabStepImporter, but currently have it disabled. I will remove it completely and see if that helps.
Saving to local drive only. Sounds like you’re good about saving regularly. I am after a crash, but then usually get lost in the process and forget to save.