Dude, the scale should have a function to alternate the axes like alt
like move you click alt and it alternates the points
corners, middles, ends, center
you posted it here
Dude, the scale should have a function to alternate the axes like alt
like move you click alt and it alternates the points
corners, middles, ends, center
and here
Who are you, who, who? I am Igor Terra tozzi
What is your industry and profession? I am an event designer. I design any type of event and I have a large library of event blocks
Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? I use SketchUp professionally. I have been working with events for years, 14 years a year, I make 1.4 terabytes of files, many events and many large companies
Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? I use SketchUp because I am passionate ab…
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