Need help with SketchUp construction drawings

I’d like to ask what you might typically charge for a set of floor plans like this as well as a 3D exterior of the home. I understand if don’t want to answer.

If I recall, Tammy Cody has some good advice on discussing pricing. The info may have been from her YouTube channel or another site (blog) but here’s a start: Homepage - SketchUp for Interior Designers

Pricing would have to do with level of detail and sqft.

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Groups can be moved from/to other groups without exploding them. It is real easy to do in Outliner by simply selecting the one you want to move to another group and dragging it onto the one you want it in.
Cut (Ctrl X) the group you want to move to another group. Multi click on the group you want the 1st group to go into so you’re in edit mode.
Go to the EDIT MENU and click on PASTE IN PLACE. DONE, the 1st group is now a part of the 2nd group
You can also move raw geometry into Groups these ways as well.
I use this all the time cause I’m terrible at keeping track of stuff.


OMG! Could it be that simple?? All this time struggling with groups….how did I never know this!? Thank you! Thank you!!

I made this entirely on sketchup and LayOut, I’ve been using it for over 8 years, I don’t use autocad anymore.

Planos PROFERMACO.pdf (11.2 MB)


Pretty cool huh? I use the cut, paste in place most of the time, but it’s more of a visual confirmation using Outliner cuz you see can exactly how your groups are related. You can also do this with Components.

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I use cut and paste in place on a constant basis. Saves the day again and again.

Moving groups in Outliner is termed “reparenting” same deal in the Tags panel.

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Nice work in Layout! I find Layout to be fully capable of everything I need to do. I have not exeienced and performance problems.

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Hey there. I’ve been using SketchUp as a full office suite since 2006, entirely replacing AutoCAD. I developed my approach over the years and developed a workflow which I turned into a course called “Construction Documents Using SketchUp Pro 2020”. It’s a complete end-to-end process for producing professional documents.

Here are some the examples of what you can produce with it.

You can find more information here.

Beautiful. thank you! I will check it out!

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Nice book, sketchup 2022 had an update that I find it awesome, now you can manage different line styles on the same viewport using the tags of the sketchup model, it works almost like autocad layers, you can change the color, style and width of the lines of every tag, it saves you a lot of time and hardware resources cause you don’t have to use different viewports on top of each other to create different line styles or drawing on top of the lines on lay out, also you don’t have to create more scenes to do that, it could very useful for new skp and layout users to learn this new feature instead of the old method.

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How would I learn more about this feature?

YouTube is your best way to learn this. You must have a sketchup pro license to be able to use LayOut, sketchup make or sketchup web don’t have layout.

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Here are some guidelines for creating different linestyles, weights etc. within Layout, and independent of SU.


Can’t you just create a new layer with the line type you want and move the entities to that layer? Also you can make a new style of things set the way you want and apply the style to the scene?
This way you can do the settings only one time, Make a scene with these settings to make life even easier. Make sure you update the scene when you’re finished.

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Thank you for sharing. This is extremely helpful. Does your book have easy to understand instructions like this?

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Yes, that is the “traditional” way of doing it. What I’m doing here is illustrating an alternative approach that provides more options.

Hi there and thanks for the question.
Here’s a link to a 20 page sample for you to take a look.

Here’s a snapshot of one of the pages in the free sample:

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Very easy. Lots of illustrations. About 380 pages. Only ,19.95

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