Need help with a purchased extension

I just purchased the nz_ripple extension. I already received the receipt from Trimble via email. It also shows up in “my downloads” as “Active” with 0/3 activations. However, I still can’t use it. I tried uninstall it but can’t re-install it through extension warehouse in SU. I also tried reopening SU.

What should I do?


Did you install it through the Extension Warehouse interface in SketchUp?

What happens when you try to use it?

Yes, I tried in through the interface as well. The screen cap I attached was from the interface. It showed Purchase button instead of Install as it’s supposed to be.

When you purchased it did you use the same email address and password as you use for your SketchUp subscription?

Maybe, if @colin looks in he can look up your purchase to see what’s going on. It is a long holiday weekend here in the US so he might not check in until Tuesday. Or maybe he’ll have time today.

I purchased it through the interface with the email used for SU but I used a different email during the registration. I didn’t think it’s related.

I tried logging in with the email I used to fill the purchasing form. The extension doesn’t show up in “My Downloads” in that account.

I’ll wait for Colin to check my what I did wrong. Thank you for you time, @DaveR

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I expect that’s the issue. Colin will probably be able to help you, though.

In the meantime go do something fun. :wink:

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The extension is assigned to the email address you use in the forum. I think that’s the email you use for all of your extensions.

Someone else had a problem recently, where the license for the paid extension wasn’t working. In their case they also had a trial version of the extension, and when I deleted that from the account, the paid one worked properly.

I deleted the trial version from your account, see if the paid one now works.

Thanks @colin . I’ll try it again.

It works now. Thanks again.

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