Need help for my profile picture 3d warehouse

Hello, first of all im sorry for my bad English im french :sweat_smile:…and im new here.
My problem is my picture profile,it does not appear on pc in the 3d warehouse but on mobile it appear.
I tried to see if it appeared on another pc but it does not appear :thinking:

You have a solution to help me?

Thank you for your attention

What’s your user account on 3D Warehouse. It should have “user” or “by” in it, for example, SketchUp’s is SketchUp | 3D Warehouse.

Thank you for your reply :slight_smile:
My username : redC130

It seems ok to me,(Windows 10/Microsoft Edge)

It shows up fine for me on Mac & PC and in SketchUp on PC. Perhaps your browser or SketchUp has cached the image? Clear browser cache, or in SketchUp, search the forums for removing the directory “WebCache”, which will clear SketchUp’s web cache.


Thanks you, that reassures me :smile:

I’ll do this, merci beaucoup :slight_smile:

Can you see other people’s images? What browser is this in? I was on Win10 with Edge 41 and Chrome 64, and macOS with Chrome 63.

Yes il see other people’s images,my browser is google chrome and im on Windows 7 :sweat_smile:

Open a new incognito window so it won’t use the cache and force it to load your profile image.

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I note this,thanks

You might try, Ctrl + F5


Doesn’t work

It does work for me on Win7 with Chrome.

weird, it may be an isolated bug, but when I tried on another pc it still made me this bug, it may be related to my account? :thinking:

I find this a bit weird:


Its doesn’t work ,other suggestion?

Works here. Chrome.