Need help for my profile picture 3d warehouse

Which version of Windows do you use?

I use Windows 7 Pro but I don’t think that is the issue.

What’s annoying is that when I looked at my 3d warehouse profile on another pc this bug was present (windows 7)

That’s an issue we had fixed, but it looks like it may have regressed. Investigating. Thanks.

I tried with yahoo and it works (yey) It’s going to be chrome / internet explorer but when I use 3d warehouse by sketchup 2016 I always get bug

OK, search on author wont work until you type the complete letter-separated part of the name. For example, “red” doesn’t work, “redC” will include the results. That sucks, and it’s been noted.

For 2016, the native browser is still used, su you need to clear Internet Explorer cache, as it’s hanging on to old data. In SketchUp 2017, we switched to embedded Chromium, which uses the WebCache directory.

So i have to go the 2017 version? :thinking:

No, clear cache in Internet Explorer.

Okay thanks for your help,it’s really nice

As said at home “topic clos”

goodbye :sunglasses:

I’ve had the same problem. I am using Windows 7 with the latest Chrome. I have tried both jpeg and png images.

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