Need help determining an angle

I will do my best to describe
This is for a woodworking project. I am building a desk and the legs are shaped like a Z. I know the top and bottom leg dimensions and the diagonal is a 4x4 post just like the top and bottom legs are. The overall dimension of the piece is 30 inches.

Since I don’t know enough data points to calculate this mathematically I am trying to use Sketch up to Mock it up for a “close enough” calculation.

To try and calculate this in sketch up I put in the pieces where they go and drew a 4"x36" rectangle with the corner intersecting where it should go and use that as the rotation point.

below is a sketch of what I am trying to figure out and also a video of me getting close in sketchup. I need the bottom edge of the rectangle that I am rotating to snap to the bottom corner of the top rectangle.

hopefully that makes sense.

Try using the Arc tool to set an arc to use as a guide for the rotation. I learned about this just a while ago myself.

I drew a circle from the rotate point using the destination point as the radius, then grabed the part to rotate at that intersection and rotate until it snaps.

I just drew an arc to find out the correct length for the rotating piece, made it that length, then it snaps.

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My pie version too, just because I have upload issues and it took all this time to load…


I fully expected there to be a simple solution. That’s for the quick reply.

Or you can calculate the angle…



and with n=0 you get the angle in degree …


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It’s like using an abacus to double check a calculator.


One more simple option involves the use of Free Rotation from FredoScale. It was designed to work as it does for this application.